Gujarat Vidyapith was founded by Mahatma Gandhi on
18th October, 1920. It has been deemed university since 1963


Languages and Literature

The Department of English began with the Bachelor of English (BA) programme in June 2015. Two years later, in the year 2017, Master of English (MA) programme was added. The Ph.D. programme began in the year 2021. The department has three permanent faculty members and two ad-hoc faculty members. In the short span of time, the department has been able to scale up from undergraduate to research level.

The undergraduate programme has seen a steady growth in the number of students enrolled over the years. From a modest strength of 10 students in 2015, the undergraduate programme saw more than 50 students taking admission in the year 2021 in the first semester. The postgraduate programme is going steady, and efforts are being made to attract more students. The department is proud of the fact that right from its inception in 2017, every year at least one student has passed NET or NET-JRF. The department is confident that with the beginning of its research programme, the academic environment will become more vibrant.

The BA programme spans four years and is spread over eight semesters with the facility of students exiting after each year. The programme covers the traditional aspects of literary studies as well as exposes students to newer fields where English studies are making inroads. The programme seeks to develop the passion for language and literature among its undergraduate students.

The MA programme is unique as it is firmly rooted in the ethos of Gujarat Vidyapith. Being a programme in a Gandhian education institute, it uses Gandhi's thoughts as a pivot to look at the larger socio-political and cultural crisis of the contemporary world. The effort is to initiate a dialogue among different points of view rather than affirming any one truth in all matters. The department makes an effort to move out from the confines of classrooms and ingrained canonical thinking to look at the things from the margins and tries to unsettle the received canons of the literary studies.

The PhD programme at the department aims to promote research in interrogating Gandhian thoughts in literary and culture studies. The programme also wishes to encourage research in margin studies.

The department aims to become a place of vibrant academic and cultural activities. It seeks to become a place which brings rural society into the mainstream academic discourse and action. The hope is to make the students and research scholars get in touch with the grassroots again and thus bridge the gap between theory in the classroom and diversity of the real world.

Department also organizes workshops and lecture series for its students to help them and keep them up with newly emergent fields of literary studies.

UG Programme

Four Year (Eight Semester) Programme with multiple exit option as per NEP 2020.

Intake: 60

Eligibility: 12th Pass in HSC in any stream

Duration: 4 Years (8 Semesters)

Course Credit: Course Credit

Total Credit: 160

PG Programme

Two Year (Four Semester) Programme with multiple exit option as per NEP 2020.

Eligibility: Pass class in BA (English)

Intake: 66

Duration: 2 Years (4 Semesters)

Course Credit: 20 Credits per semester

Total Credit: 80

Dr. Atulkumar M. Parmar
Dr. Atulkumar M. Parmar (HOD & Professor)
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Dr. Amarendra Pandey
Dr. Amarendra Pandey (Assistant Professor)
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Dr. Divyesh D. Bhatt
Dr. Divyesh D. Bhatt (Assistant Professor)
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  • UGC, New Delhi nominated Dr. Atulkumar Parmar to evaluate the research proposals for the research scheme - Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Post-Doctoral Fellowship.
  • Dr. Atulkumar Parmar received a National Level Young Research Award for the contribution in the field of research and education as well as nation building on 21 October 2023. The award was given by Arts and Commerce College, Akkalkuva, Dist. Nandurbar (MS) and SMS International Educational Research Academy, Maharashtra.
  • Dr. Atulkumar Parmar also appointed as a Reviewer in the Journal of South Asian Studies in June 2024.