Krishi Vigyan Kendra, a plan scheme designed and managed by the ICAR for over five decades, is playing a vital role because of its following unique features:
- Creation of valuable resources in terms of technical manpower and assets
- Confirmation of technologies to suit local specificity
- Showcasing the frontier technologies
- Capacity building among stakeholders
- Front runner in technology application, information and inputs
- Participatory approaches in planning, implementing, executing and evaluation
Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Randheja, Gandhinagar was established during September 1977 by Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR), New Delhi, under the administrative control of Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad. It is located near capital city Gandhinagar on Gandhinagar-Mansa highway, 8 km from Gandhinagar railway station and 10 km from Gandhinagar bus station.
Mandate and activities
The mandate of KVK is Technology Assessment and Demonstration for its Application and Capacity Development.
To implement the mandate effectively, the following activities are envisaged for KVK:
- On- Farm Testing (OFT) to assess the location specificity of agricultural technologies under various farming systems.
- Frontline demonstrations (FLDs) to establish production potential of technologies on the farmers’ fields.
- Capacity development of farmers and extension personnel.
- To work as knowledge and resource centre of agricultural technologies.
- Provide farm advisories using ICT and other means of media on varied subjects of interest to farmers.
- Produce quality technological products (seed, planting material, bio-agents, livestock) and make it available to farmers.
- Identify and document selected farm innovations and converge with ongoing schemes and programmes within the mandate of KVK.
Infrastructure & Demonstration Units
- Administrative Building: Well developed administrative building having training hall, conference hall, library, computer lab and office space.
- Farmers’ Hostel: Well furnished farmers’ hostel is available with KVK to accommodate 35 farmers. The facilities are also available on nominal charges to outside farmers who visit us during their training and exposure visits.
- Soil and water testing lab: Soil and water sample testing facility is available at the centre on reasonable rate. Soil samples are analyzed for parameters such as pH, EC, organic carbon, available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, exchangeable sodium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron and manganese.
- Farm Machinery Unit: Farm machinery unit having different farm machinery and equipments for farm operation as well as for demonstration to farmers.
- Agricultural Musium: Trainees and visitor farmers can get acquainted about the technologies and technological products. This KVK have agricultural musium for visitors. In this musium we put newly agricultural and allied technologies which is usefull for farmers. The main purpose of this musium is to create awareness about new innovative technologies among farmers.
- Instructional Farm: The KVK possesses about 20 hectare of farm land that is fully under cultivation of crops relevant to this area. Different crops are grown in the farm to demonstrate the latest agricultural practices, seed production and commercial production of crops. Instructional farm also acts as a tool to do applied research on agricultural technologies and undertake trails before their transfer to farmers’ fields.
- Super Critical Fluid Extraction (SCFE) Unit: To promote value addition in agricultural produce, KVK established SCFE unit for the benefit of farmers. The unit is available for farmers to get extract their farm produce like flowers, spices, medicinal and aromatic crops etc. on actual cost basis. New initiative has been taken by KVK for neem pesticides, and able to provide 10000ppm neem extract to farmers, which is helping farmers to get cost effective quality product.
- Dairy Unit: The unit is established for practical training and demonstration on dairy management for the farmers
- Biogas Unit: Biogas represents renewable source of energy that derives mainly from decomposition of organic wastes in the absence of oxygen. The side product is nutrient-rich slurry useful for crop production. In order to popularise the technology, a unit has been established.
- Azola Unit: Azolla is a supplementary feed, and is a good source of protein (25-35%), minerals (10-15%) & amino acids for livestock. With a view to popularise the use of azolla due to its nutritive value, a demonstration cum production unit has been developed by the KVK.
- Natural Farming unit: Natural Farming can be defined as “chemical- free and livestock based farming”. Soundly grounded in agro-ecology, it is a diversified farming system that integrates crops, trees and livestock, allowing the optimum use of functional biodiversity. In order to popularise the technology, a unit has been established.
Major Activities & Impact
- Front line Demonstrations: High yielding varieties as well as, IPM, INM and resource conservation technologies, Natural Farming are promoted by conducting frontline demonstrations on farmers fields in various crops. Other technologies like Mineral mixture, bypass fat, Bio waste decomposer, Nutrition garden, Green manuring, farm tools etc. were also promoted.
- On Farm Testing (Assessment of Technology): KVK actively engaged in assessment and refinement of technologies recommended by the SAUs /Research stations to make it more adaptable in local specific situation.
- Training Programmes for Farmers/ Farm women: Kendra focused on Capacity enhancement through imparting training to farmers and farm women on different thematic areas such as Natural Farming, ICM, INM, soil health management, livestock production, women empowerment etc.
- Training programmes for Rural youth: Vocational training programmes for rural youth with a view to create self employment and improve their livelihood.
- Training programmes for Extension functionaries: Kendra is actively engaged in capacity building of the various grass root and middle level extension functionaries working for agricultural development of the district.
- Extension Activities: For wide publicity of different technologies, KVK regularly arranged different extension activities like field days, Scientist visit to farmers field, Agriculture Exhibition, Farmer fairs, Farmers Seminars, Kisan Goshthi, Technology weeks, Important Days and events celebration, Advisories etc.
- KVK regularly publish newsletter on half yearly basis since January, 2014 in both English and Gujarati languages.
- KVK also publish and distribute training manuals and leaflets/ folder on various aspects for easy understanding in Gujarati language.